January 30th
Jesus had
overheard this remark of the people
and He said to the official! Do not
be afraid, only have faith."
And faith comes to everyone who
walks in the light of it. The disposition
of the heart and mind of each one
of the Father's beloved children
on earth is known by their Heavenly
Father. And He puts into the way
of each that which will bring them
along in the way. Sometimes it is
necessary for them to retrace their
steps and take a different way,
sometimes to step aside for a cleansing
and resetting on the journey, and
always they are given to see the
way ahead more clearly as they respond
to the signs and opportunities on
the way.
Problems, anxieties, and seeming
setbacks there will always be along
the way, sadness and occasional
perplexity. These can serve to bind
the steadfast ones more firmly to
the source whose way has sufficient
light only for each step.
See the joyful outcome of the persistent
faith of Jairus in the days of My
Incarnate life. He was rewarded
with the restoration to life of
his beloved daughter and with such
knowledge and understanding of the
Way that he himself became a beacon
of light.