Friday January 12th
Jesus was in one of the towns when a man appeared covered with leprosy. Seeing Jesus, he fell on his face and implored his, "Sir, he said, if you want to you can cure me." Jesus stretched out His hand, touched him and said, "Of course I want to! Be cured!" And the leprosy left him at once
Matthew 8:1-4

The Father created each child of His love for perfection in mind and body and in wholeness in spirit: and that is the condition and state in which He would have each one. He created the world for growth and maturity in Him and towards that end He continually works. And when every one who seeing his imperfection of whatever kind can offer the condition to Him in hope, there is given healing and wholeness.

I came to earth to reveal the Father's loving purpose in this, and to be His healing hands and restoring power, for in Me is vested the authority of Sonship. And so the lepers who came to Me were cleansed and healed, the blind received their sight, the deaf heard and the lame walked. All who aligned themselves with me in this and all the loving designs of the Father, both and ever since, have been, are and always shall be endowed with the means and the power to be surrogates for Me, in the Father, through Our loving Holy Spirit

The world itself cries out for healing and for wholeness. Seared, fragmented and mortally harmed in many parts, it cries out for restoration and pristine wholeness. Let the sons of men unite to establish the wholeness and sanctity and beauty of all created beings, as they are enlightened and enabled so to do. The united loving power of the Godhead will empower and, in time and eternity, perfect in Our Perfection.