January 11th
with the power of the Spirit in Him
……….came to Nazareth,
went into the synagogue on the Sabbath
….stood up to read ……found
the place where it is written, "The
Spirit of the Lord has been given
Me….." Then he began to
speak to them, "This text is
being fulfilled today even as you
On this day early in My ministry
on earth I entered the synagogue
on the Sabbath according to my duty
and My joy to pray to the Father
, worship with My brothers and read
and consider the Holy Record. Invited
to read from the Scriptures of the
Prophet Isaiah I chose the passage
regarding vocation and the relationship
of vocation to service and the fulfilment
of the Father's loving purpose for
His beloved children. And of this
I spoke and taught.
And the message was clear and full,
comforting and challenging, calling
each and everyone, both then and
ever since to see, to understand,
identify and relate to that Word
which was before them.
For each and every one who so identifies
the Incarnate Word becomes the message
of good news to the poor, liberty
to captives, sight to the blind
and freedom to the downtrodden -
and the knowledge of the Father's
blessing. And each and every one
becomes a messenger.