Wednesday, January 10th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Courage ! It is I. Do not be afraid". They were utterly and completely dumbfounded because………...their minds were closed
Mark 6:51-52

The fertile, limited human mind of the Father's beloved children is so very often closed to the wonders He would show them and the opportunities He could offer them. The laws of the Universe are subject to His over-riding, loving purpose : all who are aligned to that in and through My saving love and the power of Our Holy Spirit are fellow-sharers in His Kingdom of light and power. The light bestows understanding of the Father's world and his loving purpose in it. Power to identify with that purpose as it is revealed and offered to the faithful follower is bestowed as it is needed.

Let the mind and heart be continually open to receive illumination and enfiring, for without light and love there is neither a way forward nor even an understanding of the way. Have no fear : I am present at the heart 's centre and in the fibres of the brain. Only be single-minded in faithfulness to that which is put before you day by day and all will be well.