Saturday, January 27th

Come to Me with every trial and tribulation, with every problem and with everything that troubles and makes you anxious. There is no situation or experience in your life or in the life of those with whom you have to do and whom you love which is not either willed or allowed by your Heavenly Father. Every situation and circumstance in which you find yourself can be made into the means whereby you are in some way transformed and your life progressed. So it is for each and every one of the Father's children. And many crossroads at which you arrive, and those with whom you travel, are there by design: there you must pause for a time to read the signposts which are there for your direction, and seek the direction from Our guiding hand, the impetus and the means of progressing along the way designed for you from My Indwelling. And whether the part of the journey be alone or in the company of another or others will be given in due time.

Only be faithful to that which has been given you. Seek only the Father's will in all things. Be true in heart and mind, confident in that to which you are committed in love.. Pray without ceasing.