Wednesday, January 24th
St Francis de Sales
This is My commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you……what I command you is to love one another."
John 15:12

As you increase and perfect your love one for another, so will My life increase, deepen, and bear fruit in you. I speak to one and I speak to all who seek the way in truth. As I am the way, the truth and the life, so am I the love. I am in the Father and the Father in Me. So the love which is between, around, and within the Father and Me is that which is shared between all who love in Me. And I am in them and they in Me. As they seek to remain in Me, so is their love perfected, their love for the Father and their love one for another. For love is one and indivisible.

And the fruit of this love is service, loving commitment to that which the Father will reveal and enable. Such can be received and executed successfully only in and through My Indwelling and in the light and power of Our Holy Spirit. Many there are and have been since the beginning of time who have lived out this loving commitment and service not knowing with their mind the name and the nature of that which they served. They are enlightened and rewarded in time and eternity.

So live, so love, that the Presence of the Father may be your reward in and through My life in you.