Monday, May 7th
Jesus said,
"I have come that they may have
life and have it to the full"
Abundant life is the reward for
all who are faithful to those things
which they perceive to be true and
to those pressures for response
and action which they perceive within
themselves. Life is for the working
through of the Father's will as
it is individually and corporately
perceived: there is need for great
and continual faithfulness and integrity,
as well as for perseverance in all
circumstances and vicissitudes.
But I am the light which reveals
the way, the wisdom which provides
the direction, and the power that
progresses and perfects. And in
and through the progression and
attainment comes the buoyancy of
vibrant life breaking through in
many and differing ways, building
up person, group and community into
living members of the Father's glorious
And the life which is the beginning,
the means and the end is My very
Self. I am the Father's love, Our
Holy Spirit's light and power and
the bridge and means by which the
faithful in truth and love are brought
to the fullness of joy in the Father's
glorious Presence.