Thursday, May 24th
Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me …. Know that I am with you always, yes, to the end of time"
Matthew 28:18-20

I am with you in love, through love, and for love's sake. And as I am accommodated and welcomed at the heart's centre, so do I grow, so do I prosper all that the Father wills and purposes. I initiate and tend, increase and prune, judge and reward, relate to the world of your experience, and lead to joy and fulfilment. And with Me is the whole panoply of the Father's Presence, the light and power of Our Holy Spirit's Indwelling. And so it is in every human mind and heart where truth and goodness and love are sought from the natural understanding of the children, dimly but increasingly perceived by the loving, committed and true of heart.

There is nothing to fear in Heaven or earth for those who are continually cleansed, purified and perfected in and through My saving love, and who are open to Our permeating, enabling life and power. Let faith and trust and loving commitment bring you in the fullness of time to the joy and perfection of the Father's Presence.