Friday, May 4th
Jesus said, "I tell you most solemnly ………. Anyone who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I shall raise him up on the last day."
John 6: 54

Each and every child whoever lived or ever will is a loving thought in the mind of the Father before ever time was. No child of man has being, significance or purpose apart from the loving design of his Heavenly Father. Even those who might seem to issue from unblessed and irregular union are endowed with potential and significance; their destination in hope is the Father's Kingdom no less than those regarded by men as having normal parentage.

So all in the Father's world of human kind are lovingly challenged to progress along the way to the Father's Presence. Their light and guide is Our abiding Holy Spirit. And I feed and build up the whole being as I am invited and responded to.

The means is known to all the faithfully committed: first there is a stopping in the tracks to hear and perceive that which is presented in love, then a turning in penitence and self-giving, and finally and continually a feeding upon that which is provided for sustenance, growth and maturity. And that is the taking and digestion of My word, the listening to My counsel, and identifying with My broken body and shed blood. From such faithful following rises life eternal in and through My saving Love.