Saturday, May 19th
Jesus said, "Remember the words I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master '. If they persecuted Me they will persecute you as well"
John 15:20

The faithfulness of a servant may be seen in his likeness to his master and to identification with the purpose and style of his master. And in both success and apparent failure the servant should always reflect his master's person, the pattern and commitment of his life and person.

So when success in undertakings is elusive and circumstances are contrary , when no help from others is forthcoming and some oppose that which is undertaken in faith, let that servant reflect upon the person, the pattern, the commitment and the experience of his Master. As it was with Me so will it be with them. And I am persecuted afresh in the minds and hearts of My faithful ones.

But so am I present in their suffering, triumphant in their faithfulness . And their reward is to rejoice forever with Me in the Presence of the Father and all the company of Heaven . bearing the fruits of my faithfulness in them.