Wednesday May 23rd
Jesus said,
"I still have many things to
say to you but they would be too much
for you now, but when the Spirit of
Truth comes He will lead you to the
complete truth
…… He will glorify Me."
Take the sorrow and sadness and
pain which comes your way as a part
of your share in the way of the
cross. And let it be woven into
the fabric of your life as a conscious
identification with My saving love.
This will transform your suffering
and work for the salvation of those
from whom and in whom you suffer,
And as you continue in the way,
you will discover the meaning of
that which is given you to do and
to experience, according to the
measure of your faithfulness and
Always have in mind the end for
which you were created, you, and
every one of the Father's children,
namely the fulfilment of His loving
purpose. And His loving purpose,
My saving, triumphant life, and
Our Holy Spirit's power is that
the one and the many should be with
Him for ever in wholeness and joy.
This is the truth of all life and
living, the glory of Our Godhead
and of all that is or ever will