Tuesday, May 15th
Jesus said,
"Peace I bequeath to you,
My own peace I give you, a peace the
world cannot give
…. Do not let you hearts be
troubled or afraid."
Peace and joy are fruits of life
in Me. They have little to do with
a quiet and untroubled life. The
peace which passes all knowledge
is My gift in and from the Father,
and it issues from the love and
self-giving which has existed before
all worlds were created.
This is the peace which I offer
all who live in Me. Winds and storms
and perilous seas will abound in
the world for the true of heart
and mind no less than for the faithless
and reprobate. But they will not
hurt or disturb the faithfully committed
in Me, anchored by the safety of
the Father's love.
And the peace of heart and mind,
shared by all who are bound together
in the Father's love, is a strength
and power which stretches out to
all who are borne on the seas of
time and experience.
As you give yourself to Me, so
do I fill you with the Father's
peace, reaching out through you
to those who have not yet found
the safety of the Father's love.