Friday, May 18th
Jesus said,
"This is my commandment, love
one another as I have loved you. A
man can have no greater love than
to lay down his life for his friends"
All love is from the Father and
it seeks, having accomplished that
which He desires, to return to the
Father : it does not return to Him
void. The Father rejoices when His
love , which is the substance of
My Being, purifies and fills His
beloved child, unites with His other
beloved children, accomplishes that
which He purposed, and becomes the
vibrant, eternal bond with and in
Him. Such love is free, independent
, unself-seeking ,ready to be employed
at all times for the Father's loving
purpose and the service of the one
and many.
And so the glory of life is not
in the receiving of the Father's
love and living in the light of
it alone - herein is joy and a measure
of fulfilment . But the greatest
reward is in attaining that degree
of self-giving in which love for
the Father and for His children
is deployed solely in and for the
beloved. Herein is love fulfilled,
the loving one perfected. So have
I shown in My incarnate life and
in My death which was the means
of life. Pray constantly for this
love that it accomplishes in you
all that the Father wills.