Wednesday, May 2nd
Jesus said, "I have come from Heaven not to do My own will
but the will of Him who sent me"
John 6:38

As each becomes one with Me so does he learn the secret of full and vibrant living, namely that the Father's will must be sought in all things great and small. It is an open secret, there to be sought and followed through success and failure through the power of my indwelling and the light of Our Holy Spirit. In sorrow and sadness, joy and success, in relationship, work, in planning and in the disposition of time and substance it is the Father's will that must constantly be sought until the seeking becomes a relaxed and joyful way of life. So it is with those whom men call saints. And in the following and suffering all that is given, the truly committed have the peace which passes all knowledge.

So seek that each day and each hour and every minute becomes the Father's opportunity. As more and more of His beloved children learn the way of full and purposeful living so shall joy break out in community, and many of the problems which assail humankind be diminished. For the will of the Father is that each and every one of His beloved children be rooted and grounded in love, growing into the life and power of his Kingdom of joy and fulfilment.