Monday, May 28th
Jesus said. "the time will come - in fact it has come already - when you will be scattered …. I have told you all this so that you may find peace in Me,. In the world you will have trouble, but be brave; I have conquered the world."
John 1:32-33.6

As you follow in the way in faithfulness and loving obedience you will become increasingly sensitive to the pain which others are experiencing. And you will be drawn into such of this experience as it is given you. So you will become part of the pain and the experience in the light and power of Our love. And the pain will not be from the sensitivity alone which you will develop as you respond to others in this way. There will not infrequently be opposition and hostility from some who do not understand and from others who feel threatened by something they do not understand.

Seek strength in Me; find peace in Me. There is no other way. I will be your power for good, your light in dark places, your guide, your rest, and your fulfilment. But I must be sought and entertained; and you must rest, listen, and be increasingly present in the quiet places of heart and mind that Our Indwelling may fill you with the power and the joy of faithful service.