Sunday, May 27th
Jesus said, "I am sending down to you what the Father has promised. Stay in the city then until you are clothed with power from on high."
Luke 24:49

Look, listen, and wait. These are conditions and attitudes which are necessary for all who serve the Father in and through the Son by the power of Our loving Holy Spirit.

The Father looks for loving attention from those who seek His will; how else can they know His purpose for them? They must direct their whole being to His Presence, for in their right orientation is their poise and readiness for action when the word is given.

And there must be attentive listening to that word, constant attention to that which is imparted in prayer and in the quiet places of heart and mind. The Father speaks to each and every one of His beloved children: the attentive ones hear increasingly and grow through their response.

Faithfulness with obedience are the traits of the Father's truly committed, for they react only to His bidding, waiting for His word of action.

Those who persevere in the way of this leading, in the power of My life and the light of Our Holy Spirit, are possessed by joy and the Father's Presence.