Tuesday, May 22nd
Jesus said, "I must tell you the truth, it is for your own good that I am going because
…… if I do go I will send Him to you."
John 16:7

Our loving Holy Spirit seeks and searches out all who respond to the Father's out-reaching, encompassing love, however slight that response may be. He fans into flame the inert fire; the power of His being purifies, illuminates and empowers for action in the Father's Kingdom of light and love. And all proceeds from My Presence with and in the Father and from My victory for man through My life, death and resurrection.

So as My Incarnate Presence was necessary in the world of men to achieve the salvation of the Father's beloved children, so was My return to the Father's side when all was accomplished. But I am closer to Our redeemed, sanctified children because of the Advocate's, Our Holy Spirit's activities and witness.

And the destiny of each and every beloved child of the Father who purified and sanctified is in Me and I in him, is eternal joy in the Father's glorious Presence with angels, archangels, and all the company of Heaven.