Friday May 11th
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.
No one can come to the Father except through Me"

John 14:6

All things in Heaven and earth are in Me and of me save those things which are contrary to love. I seek to tend and to love into fruitful growth and development the souls of the Father's beloved children whom He has created for joy in His Kingdom of light and joy.

And I set each and every child of the Father on his way to the fullness of life, presenting him along life's way with all that is necessary for healthy growth and mature development. From womb to tomb each and every one has his unique path to travel and I am alongside and within, offering direction and inspired initiative, knitting his unique and individual part with the progress of the whole in the Father's Kingdom of light and love.

I am the lodestar of the progress of each child and group, community and people: I am the truth in all knowledge and understanding.

And I am the life which permeates all that is, and brings to the Father's worlds the very substance of matter, of intelligence, of spirit and of love.