Tuesday, April 7th
Jesus said, " I, the light, have come into the world, so that whoever believes in Me need not stay in darkness any more"
John 12:46

I am with each child of man who comes into the world. For every child of man is a beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father. And I give the light and power of His Presence to every one who will receive it into the heart and mind in every day's activity and experience Through Our love, Our light, Our guiding every beloved child is brought along the way according to his turning and acceptance of Our light. And every group, community and nation is affected according to the faithfulness of each to that which is received.

The light I bring is of the Father for I am of the Father. Indeed, I am the Father's light, His Presence in the world He made for joy and progress to eternity. As I am the Father's light so am I His power of love: and I bring all things to their perfection as I abide in them.

He who rejects the truth I speak to heart and mind denies the light by which he sees and judges all things. As he refuses that which would enlighten his whole life and progress him in the way so does he judge himself unworthy to joy and fulfilment in the Father's Presence at the last.