Thursday, April 30th
Jesus said, "The Father loves the Son and has entrusted everything to Him.
Anyone who believes in the Son has eternal life"
John 3:31-36

All things came into being through the Father and I was with him before the worlds were made. In love He made the earth and brought life into it. To Me He gave the task to bring all things to perfection through time and in eternity. Love is the means, the way and the fulfilment.

Our Holy Spirit lights the way for all who follow where I lead; eternal life is the result of My indwelling. And everyone committing heart and mind to that which he perceives progresses in the way of life eternal. So he fulfils the Father's will ad loving purpose through his faithfulness.

But all are free to choose the way they wish to walk in. I came to earth in time to show and be the way to life eternal. All turning from Our life and love jettison their freedom and endanger their salvation. But all who follow have eternal life both now and in eternity.