Saturday, April 25th

O that the sons of men would come to Me that I might be their joy and peace and become the Father's love in them both for their joy and peace and for the world's salvation and perfection. This is the Father's eternal will and loving purpose. For this I died, for this I suffer ceaselessly until all is accomplished and the whole creation redeemed and sanctified, the Father praised and loved and glorified.

There is no joy in sin or in service of the self, no peace except in love and in self-giving. Let every soul consider this, listen to the truth I speak within his heart and mind and let Me lead him in the way of progress and perfection. Our Holy Spirit lights and guides the way for all the single-minded and I both give and am the sustenance along the way.

Accept My love, Our Holy Spirit's light and leading, sons of men ; the loving Father seeks each one of His beloved children for joy and peace and love within the Kingdom of His glorious Presence.