Thursday, April 2nd
Jesus said, "….if you have faith you will see the glory of God"
John 11:40

The glory of the Father is the joy of the whole earth, and all created beings bear witness to His wonderful magnificence through the nature of their being. To angels and to man the Father has given the power to see and understand and to participate in the constant work of continuous creation as they identify with His tremendous, glorious, loving purpose.

From birth to death each beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father is brought along the way to joy and to perfection as he reacts to all that is offered to progress his going: Our constant, loving care is with him all the way unless he wilfully rejects it. Progressively he is led through all he experiences and endures as he continues faithful. We share his pains and sorrows and from time to time he knows the joy and glory of the Father's Presence as dimly but increasingly his inward eyes perceive the substance of Reality.

Our saving, sanctifying love brings every faithful, trusting, committed child of man into the glory of his perfection at the last where he will share with angels and archangels and the whole company of Heaven in the joyful glory of the Father's Presence.