Saturday, April 4th
Then the Chief Priests decided to kill Lazarus as well since it was on his account that many of he Jews were leaving them and believing in Jesus.
John 12:3, 11

The powerful light and enlightening power proceeding from the sun enlightens and enables every child of man to do and be the Father's will as day succeeds to day. The child of man who turns towards the light receives the power to see the way and to progress all that he finds to do and to become in the light and power of Our enabling. Problems, setbacks, griefs and failures do not deflect the faithfully committed for they know that though the light may be momentarily obscured it will be found again when the cloud passes.

But he who turns from light cannot discern a path to walk in for there is none, only the trackless desert of despair and loss. Reflections of the light once known he seeks to banish from his way for they remind him of the path of joy he has forsaken. So he is lost in desperate desolation unless he turns towards the light and lets the power of my saving love restore him to the path of life and light and love. I am the way, the truth, the life, the light which lightens every child of man who comes into the Father's world, progressing and perfecting him as he continues faithful.