Tuesday, April 28th
God so loved the world that He gave His Son into the world …………not to condemn the world but so that through Him the world might be saved
John 3:16

I am the hope of countless ages, the salvation of every soul born into the world. The Father who loves each child of man He brings into His world has made each human heart the place from which I rule in love as I am welcomed and accommodated. And as I reign in love according to the Father's will and loving purpose and through the grace of My indwelling I bring all things to perfection at the end of time. And as I minister to heart and mind in My faithful ones so does Our light and power and love radiate to others in the Father's world.

The Father gave me to the world He loved into existence that I might be His love to each and every one and to His whole creation. From the beginning My throne has been a cross and from that cross I reign until the end of tome. But peace and life and joy continually flow from My victory upon all identifying with the Fathers giving and my eternal sacrifice in love.

I am the progress and perfection of every child of man who seeks the Father's will and loving purpose. Love is the means, fulfilment and totality of all that is, the part, the whole, The Absolute. And I, the Father's Love Incarnate, bring the redeemed and sanctified creation into the Father's glorious Presence at the last.