Sunday, April 12th
The crowds that went ahead of Him and those that followed shouted,
"Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord!"

The favour of the Most High is with the sons of men for they are the crown of His creation. But they have sacrificed their glorious vocation through sin and waywardness. So I have undergone suffering and death in time; and all creation shares the pain of atonement and redemption to bring all things to their perfection at the last.

But every beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father must wake to this tremendous invitation and live as he is continually guided day by day. Through faithfulness along the way each one discovers his true destiny and how his challenge lies within the context of his situation.

As each receives that which he is offered in the way to progress and perfection so is he rewarded with Our power to come to his perfection and maturity within the Father's loving purpose?