Friday, April 24th
After the meal Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these others?" ……..Jesus said to him,
"Feed My lambs….look after My sheep….feed My sheep"
John 21:15-17

I am with every child of man in every place and circumstance except where sin and selfishness prevail in heart and mind. And even then I watch and wait with love, and with compassion, for a turning in the way

But I need My faithful followers to minister My caring love and loving care in ways which I reveal according to the Father's will and loving purpose and the loving faithfulness of each.

I teach and train and tend the young in age and faith and in experience of the nature of the Father's Kingdom through Our committed ones. Even the simplest and the humblest may be a vessel of Our loving purpose: is it not written "a little child shall lead them"? Through My indwelling, the Father's all-embracing love and Our Holy Spirit's light and guiding the Kingdom is extended, the ignorant are taught, the poor are fed. But how much more could be accomplished if all Our followers followed faithfully!