Saturday, April 11th
Jesus said,
"A new commandment I give you:
love one another.
As I have loved you so must you love
one another"
I am with each beloved child who
seeks to know and do the Father's
will, and I join together in close
and caring fellowship all who love
others as themselves and seek to
serve as they are served. For I
am that love where it is selfless
and where it seeks the other's good.
So it grows in selflessness as it
continues to be grounded in concern
for the welfare and well-being of
the one and many.
This is no easy undertaking. Indeed,
it grows more difficult as love
grows. But independence must be
sought and given for the loved one:
for through that freedom comes maturity
for both the giver and receiver.
Even so have I loved you, that you
may know the freedom of activity
and choice in all things. And freedom
brings each soul within the Father's
loving purpose when it is offered
to Our saving, sanctifying love.