Tuesday, April 14th
Jesus said, "I am the vine….make your home in Me as I make Mine I in you……love one another…a man can have no greater love tan to lay down his life for his friends
John 15

Desire the Father's will and you will have all that is necessary faithfully to accomplish it. This is the purpose of all life and it takes a lifetime to accomplish all that is necessary : faults, failures and all that separates from progress and perfection to this commitment are swallowed up as they are offered to Our saving, sanctifying love.

For I, the Father's Love Incarnate, enter and possess the heart and mind and spirit of every one who comes to Us in faith and trust. And as obedience grows I grow in him. So I become the Father's love in him and he receives that life and light and love which the Father seeks to give to every one of His beloved sons and daughters.

As I am in the Father so does the love I bring unite the faithful one to the Father and to the Father's will and loving purpose. As I love every child whoever lived so do I join each one committed to Our love to one and all of the Father's beloved children. And We call each one to give himself in selfless love to those who, We send him even as I gave Myself to all on Calvary.