Sunday, April 19th
Easter Day

I, the Father's Love Incarnate have harrowed hell that sin and death might have no power on His beloved creation. I have defeated death through love and through obedience to the Father's will and loving purpose. Each child of man is called to be a hallowed stone within the Father's Kingdom. My death upon the tree has controverted evil's power and dire reward and made My risen life available to all who turn from sin and service of the self.

Rejoice, then celebrate with joy this cosmic happening. Reject from mind and heart all that is contrary to life and light and love. Take Me into the centre of your soul and let My resurrection be your power and inspiration.

I am the joy of the whole earth and seek to penetrate with love each soul, unite it with the world I have redeemed, and bring it to the Father's Presence, there with angels and archangels and the whole company of Heaven to rejoice for evermore.