Monday, April 6th
John 12:12-19

The Father is the King of the whole earth and I, His beloved Son, am His ambassador and His world's redeemer: for so He has appointed ad ordained and I in love have faithfully identified.

I am the world's salvation, the Father's peace, His key to everlasting life. For through My death and risen life I offer liberation from the tyranny of death and service of the self. "Save now" the Father's people cried, and so I did; and so I do as the beloved child of the loving heavenly Father accepts My saving love into His heart and mind.

The Father's reign is peaceful, loving, joyful. But it is utterly demanding. No one can fully understand the Father's will and loving purpose as he pursues the way of faithfulness but faith and trust may compensate where understanding fails. And I become the Father's peace and love and joy, His power for progress and perfection as I am taken into heart and mind. I am the Father's Kingship in His world.