Friday, August 31st
Jesus got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the waves, "Quiet, be still." Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to His Disciples. "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
Matthew 8:23-27

Live in the power of My loving care, constantly aware that nothing can destroy your peace or your safety unless you choose to let it. The Father is over all and in all, and I am in the Father and He in me. And He has given all things in Heaven and earth to My protecting saving, perfecting love. So all who are in Me are safe, and their perfection and fulfilment in Us assured so long as they live and walk in faith, in truth, and in loving trust.

Yet storms there will be, and signs of danger and destruction on all sides. But the dark clouds have no power over the faithfully committed, the menacing waves will not overcome, however frail the craft. Indeed, even the frailest will be a light and salvation to those without hope, for Our love will reach out through them to others to bring them too to safely and joy.