Wednesday, August 29th

Let all who have received the light and power of Our teaching know the full extent of their responsibility for others, and let them be in no doubt regarding the part we look to them to play in the well-being and progress of others.

At the day of reckoning they will be required to justify their leading and the total content of their contribution will be revealed. And if that contribution of that content be negative or deleterious, how shall they answer? They will be condemned, and unless they repent and ask forgiveness for their unproductive witness and teaching as blind guides, how may they progress to the Father's Presence and to the realms of joy? How may they meet the children whom they failed in life and to whom they were a stumbling-block and a rock of offence?

Alas, there is no place in the Father's Presence for those who have not sought His will but led astray or failed to lead in righteousness those whom He gave to love and to lead in wholeness and holiness by their life and teaching.