Wednesday, August 22nd
Very early next morning Jesus got up and went out.
He went to a lonely spot and remained there in prayer
Mark 1:38

All living beings must take into themselves that which will sustain them. Food and water, light and rest are essential for healthy growth in all that lives. Without these things there is neither growth nor survival.

And if this is true of the body physical, how much more so of the spiritual ! For the spiritual is eternal, the needs more demanding and far-reaching than the natural. Yet are they natural too, for the Father has so created human kind that each and every beloved child whoever was and ever shall be is designed for the fullness of joyful, glorious life with Him for time and eternity.

But each must grow into the wholeness and pattern of his own identity, each revealing the difference of his particular character and personality, all sharing the family likeness of redeemed, sanctified humanity if perfection is to be received in the fullness of time.

So must there be reception in the comings and going of daily life of that which builds up the whole being into wholeness and holiness. Follow Me into the quiet recesses of your heart and mind, and I will feed, cleanse, restore and rest you, and build you up in eternal life.