Sunday, August 19th
This is
my prayer, that your love may grow
ever richer in knowledge and
insight of every kind
Jesus said, "By this love you
have for one another everyone will
know that you
are My disciples."
Jesus said, "The first will be
last and the last first."
It is not in achievement or fame
alone that the greatness of the
Father's children is measured, but
in the measure of their loving and
the completeness of their self-giving.
Those faithful and true labourers
in His vineyard who have listened
to His voice, responded to His call,
sought guidance and power, and given
themselves in the totality of their
redeemed, sanctified humanity, are
the sons and daughters by choice
and commitment and by grace. So
do they know the joys of His Kingdom
even as they identify with the challenges,
burdens, and suffering of their
earthy life.
And those who have attained, and
those who even now are relating
to the prize of their high calling,
are they who have sought above all
else the gifts of love, and receiving
it have accommodated their whole
lives to living in the light and
power of it. And living and working
in the power of love those who already
rank high in the Father's Kingdom
seek ever more searchingly the reward
of all who continue faithful to
the end, namely to be presented
by Love to Love in the glorious
fulfilment of all things.