Thursday, August 16th
Jesus said, "That is how My Heavenly Father will deal with you unless you each forgive your brother from your heart."
Matthew 10:1

The heart and mind are given to the children of man to understand and progress the world in which they live by making them the home of Our love. And as Our love is invited into the centre and periphery of the soul, so does it orientate the mind and flood the heart for right thinking and generous, purposeful action.

And the forgiving heart is one of the signs of Our Presence and activity. As each child of Our love disposes himself to receive that which will complete and perfect his redeemed, sanctified humanity, so does he enable himself to react constructively to the progress of others in the Way, and Our love will minister through him. Not that he has yet reached that perfection, but each loving act, every gesture of forgiving love, is a sign of progress in the Way. He who freely and lovingly forgives another for hurt or harm suffered benefits himself besides the forgiven one and the Father's Kingdom.

Then let the mind inform the heart in a way of forgiving love, the heart command the mind to unreserved forgiveness.