Sunday, August 26th
Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine in the sight of men that seeing your good works they may give praise to your Father in Heaven
Matthew 5:16

Love is the salt of the earth and light of the world. And I am the Father's loving intent, promise and fulfilment in the world. For I am love in His world as I am light and life and truth. So as a beloved child of the Father seeks to live in love and truth, seeking that life that in Me and I in Him. And the light which lightens his mind and warms his heart is one and the same as that which reaches out to enlighten and enfire the souls of others. For all is initiated and progressed by My incarnate love in the power of Our Holy Spirit, all contained and held in the life and love of eternity by the Father of all.

So to Him be the praise and glory for all things that are in Heaven and earth, for the beauty and goodness springs from His Being in the hearts and minds of men, for the joy of the knowledge and power of His love in and through their redeemed, sanctified humanity. And let all who have given themselves in loving trust to His faithful purpose let His light and love illuminate the path for others.