Wednesday, August 1st
Jesus said to the crowd. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which someone has found: he hides it again, goes off happy,
sells everything he owns and buys the field."
Matthew 13:41

All who call me Master and Lord know the joy of possessing the open secret of progress in the life of the spirit, namely, that in the emptying and offering of all that they have and all that they are is fullness of life. But some who call Me Lord do not do the things that belong to their peace and joy. And many there are who do not know Me as Master and Lord yet respond to My voice at the heart of their being. These are rewarded of My Father both now and in eternity. They become that which He designed before time was, and accomplish, in the light of Our Spirit and the power of Our Being, all that is required of them. So are they one in spirit with those who call Me Master and Lord. Let them unite in prayer and self-giving for those who, knowing My Name, do not respond to My voice, and for those who turn away from My loving approaches.

And all who have found that which endows and enriches become increasingly aware of the need for constant self-giving and of ceaseless self-emptying. So do they become enriched with that which builds, matures, fortifies, and prepares for the problems and challenges of life. So do they have, even in their mortal life, a foretaste of eternity.