
Tuesday, March 22nd
Jesus said, " I tell you Peter, the cock shall not crow this day before you will deny Me three times that you know Me."
Luke 22:34

The warning to Peter of the testing time soon to come did not suffice to make him ready to react faithfully and positively at the moment of challenge. Fear and surprise and unpreparedness were among the many circumstances which brought him to this point if grief and failure and sin. So is it with all My children : few better men than Peter ever lived, few more faithful. And the bitterness of failure was in his heart and mind for the rest of his life. Yet he did not let it corrode his soul and destroy the light which was in him. He wept with heartbreak grief when the denial was so virulently made, and he saw with all the clarity of his inward mind what this had done to his soul and to the Son of Man. The Son of Man forgave and enveloped Peter with compassionate love which rescued him from the slough of despondent failure and made him ready for receiving the joy and power of My risen life.

Let all My loving, faithful children who stumble and fall some few others many times take note of Peter's situation, and when, like him, they fall to failure and sin (and fall they will) let them bring their failure to My forgiving Presence, transform it by My forgiveness and prepare themselves to accept My risen life in abundance . Thus will they grow and become ready vessels of My ongoing life and witnesses to My love, the Father's power and the guidance of our Holy Spirit.