Monday, March 14th
Jesus said, It is written My house shall be a house of prayer
but you have made it a den of robbers

Luke 19:46

The world is the Father's place. Designed and created by him to house and shelter and rear His creatures, human and plants and animals which issue from His loving design. And with what unholy and avidistic hands are many despoiling His creation of love! Through loving, faithful souls I have built up My Church down the ages to glorify the Father and serve His children throughout the world , to feed and nurture in body and soul. And many use it as a means of self-glory , aggrandisement and serving only their own interests. The soul of man the Father has designated for his throne, where in love He may preside over the world He has lovingly designed. There, in partnership, He would reign over His beloved world in joy and fulfilment or all created things. And the souls of many are befouled by self-aggrandisement and sometimes consumed by evil.

Why do Our loving ones not cry out as I did in the Temple, asserting the Father's place in the heart of person and people and earth? Holiness becomes the children of the Father but not the subdued holier-than-thou attitude of so many who call Me 'Lord'. The spirit of Our Holy Spirit is stirring the hearts and minds of the faithful to rise up to acclaim the Father as Lord and King, ruling in love over his lovely creation.