Tuesday, March 15th
Jesus said, "God is not a God of the dead but of the living; for him all are alive
Luke 20:38

Life is more than the keeping of body and soul together it is that which penetrates and enlivens every cell of the body, which brings into existence the fabric of the soul through the participation of the will of each and every individual.

The Father holds the soul of each one of His children in His keeping, and all that happens within the process of time is within His total enveloping.. Within that embrace each soul grows and develops freely , making choices for good or ill and maturing or failing to do so according to the purpose of each one. And choice can bring a child of the Father outside the Father's loving embrace. For such I suffered and died and continually agonise on the threshold of Hell.

But though a soul may choose death , such is the measure of his freedom, the will of the Father is that all should attain to full and abundant life - even in the time of their mortal life. Joy is the hallmark of the fulfilled life and it is for each and every soul in every part of the world and from time immemorial. And those who even now rejoice and witness in His nearer presence are countless millions.