May 8th
Acts 14:19-28. John 14:27-31
I am the Father’s
peace in His created world,
the joy of and in eternal
life, the life that has
no ending; and all are the
substance and the essence
of His very Being, As I
am in the Most High, father
of all born into His world,
so all who are in Me and
I in them are in the Father
too as they live in and
through the grace and power
of Our redeeming, sanctifying
My fulness in the Father
I laid aside for a season
to enter in His created
world to redeem and save
and – in and through
Our Holy Spirit - sanctify
all born into the Father’s
world who receive His Word
offered to each and every
one and press on to the
goal of their high calling
in and through Our love
and the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit.
In life, in death I was
obedient to the Father’s
will and loving purpose
and I fortify all who are
in Me and I them in their
seeking obedience to the
Father’s will and
faithfulness in the way.
Be of good courage –
I have overcome the world.