May 10th
15:7-21. John 15:9-11
Of all the gifts the Father
offers His beloved sons
and daughters the greatest
is the gift of Love. Issuing
from and through the Father’s
love in the beginning -
before time was or anything
created - I was and am in
all things created. In and
through My self-giving love
the beloved sons and daughters
of the Father are called
to grow towards fulness
and perfection in His Presence
according to His will and
loving purpose through My
indwelling and the light
and guiding of our Holy
Each and every one responding
to the call and challenge
of the Father’s love
are enabled and empowered
to follow in the way offered.
The way offered is Our redeeming,
sanctifying love in progress
in eternal life towards
the perfection and fulfilment
of the one and many in the
Father’s will for
them in the context of the
Be constantly challenged
and continually empowered
and fortified in and through
the gift of the Father’s