Saturday, May 5th
Acts 13:44-52 John 14:7-14

No-one who turns from the Eternal Word (who is life and light and truth) through perversity or through culpable inertia can know eternal life. Without the light which lightens all who come into the world they walk in darkness and lose the way, becoming lost in the darkness of their own choosing.

I, the reflection and the substance of the Father’s being, the way, the truth, the life to all receiving Me am in the Father, He in Me. I open the spiritual eyes of all receiving me in faith and trust, in self-giving and in love and reveal the Father who is in Me and I in Him. It is the Father’s will and loving purpose that you seek and do His will according to His loving purpose through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. The Father and I are one; Our Holy Spirit witnesses to this in the faithful and the true of heart in and through the grace and power of Our love and loving.

All who are in Me are in them Father too, safe from all that can destroy them and charged with the power of Our love and Our loving.