May 21st
19:1-8. John 16:29-33
All who turn from sin and
from withholding their love
and service from Him who
brought them into being
are offered perfection and
fulfilment in the end through
the grace and power of Our
Holy Spirit. The way is
open, truth is given and
life bestowed on all who
are in Me and I in them,
and I bring them to the
Father in time and eternity.
And it is given to who
follow in the steps of the
Son of Man to receive the
cross of true discipleship
and share with others faithful
in the way the joy and peace
of My Presence in all they
suffer and encounter.
Await the coming of Our
Holy Spirit in yourself,
in all gathered in My Name
and for all who seeking
truth in faith and trust
and absolute self-giving.
Pray that the good purpose
of the Father’s perfect
will be fulfilled in you,
in them and in all who are
seeking but not yet finding.
Remember. I am with you
always, even to the end
of time and that I have
conquered the world. Live
and work in the grace and
power of My indwelling and
the light and guiding of
Our Holy Spirit.