May 13th
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 4448.
1 John 4:7-10. John 15:9-17
Rejoice in the grace and
power of Our indwelling.
Rejoice in and through My
love, the Father’s
gift to all receiving My
risen life; and rejoice
in the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit given
to all who, believing, give
themselves in faith and
trust to the Father’s
will and loving purpose.
The Father’s love
in Me and for Me and the
sacrifice of My life, My
death and My risen life
perfect and fulfil all faithful
in Our love and obedient
in the way. I, the Way,
the Truth, the Life am perfection
and fulfilment in all receiving
Me, welcoming me into their
inner being and letting
the dynamic of Our love
guide and direct all they
think and say and do. I,
the Father’s love
incarnate and His incarnate
word, make all things well,
whate’er betide, as
they continue faithful.
Love one another as the
Father has loved Me and
as I have loved you; so
will My joy be in you and
your joy complete; and I
will bring you and all the
faithful in Our love to
the fulness of the Father