May 15th
Acts 15:22-34. John 16:5-11
Through the ascent of the
Son of Man to the Father
humanity is offered salvation,
redemption and entry and
progress and fulfilment
in eternal life, for Our
Holy Spirit fulfils the
loving purpose of the Father
for and in His beloved sons
and daughters who receive
the grace and power of Our
indwelling and live faithfully
and trustingly in Our love.
The truth is given to all
who seek in faith an trust
and absolute self-giving,
the way opened to all who
follow in the steps of the
Son of Man, led and guided
by Out Holy Spirit and in
and through the power of
My indwelling.
Realise and pray to understand
that I am with you always
even to the end of time
when I present the faithful
in Our love to the Father.
Through My Presence in the
heart and mind I bring the
one and many to the Father
in time and through eternity
and establish and extend
the Father’s Kingdom
wherever two or three are
gathered together in my
Name with and through Our
Holy Spirit and in the comprehensive,
all-embracing grace and
power of the Father’s