Sunday, May 27th
Feast of Pentecost
Acts 2:1-11. 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 3-13. John 20:19-23

Our Holy Spirit, the Father’s gift to all obedient to His word in the grace and power of My indwelling waits upon the one and many to welcome Him into their being.

The Father looks for the fulfilment of His loving purpose in each one and in the community of the faithful that each one and all together may progress towards perfection and fulfilment He designed for them before time was and become His means of extending and consolidating His Kingdom in His world.

Commit your whole self tot the Father and to His will and loving purpose for you and for His world that Our Holy Spirit may consecrate you and bring you to that perfection and fulfilment which he seeks for you. For this I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, plead constantly at the Father’s side in the joy and peace and glory of His Eternal Presence.