Friday, May 4th
Acts 13:26-33. John14:1-6

The word of the Most High, spoken before time was or anything created, united with the Most High in creation and became the word of the Most High in creation, bringing life and light and power to all things created. That life and light and guidance in the way was and is continually offered to the sons of men that they may know the challenge of the life offered with power to respond in and through Our indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. For this I, Only-begotten of the Most High, entered into human life and through My life and death and risen life bring all responding to My Father’s glorious purpose to eternal life in time and through eternity.

I, beloved and loving Son of the Most High, His word incarnate and His incarnate love am the Way, the Truth the Life to all born into the world, offered to all who seek truth and power to live it in faith and trust and continual self-giving. Invite Me constantly into heart and mind, family and community that alone and in fellowship you may glorify the Father and in and through Our Holy Spirit progress in life eternal and fulfil the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will for and in you in time and through eternity.