May 31st
Visitation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
12:9-16. Luke 1:39-56
Let all the sons and daughters
of the Most High rejoice
and glorify His holy Name
for He has made a place
for the indwelling of His
Love in his created world
that all responsive to His
Word might come to the fulness
and perfection of His glorious
Through the all-powerful,
all-embracing love of the
Most High and the humility
and self-giving of the one
chosen to bear His priceless
Gift to the created world
all may come to the fulness
of eternal life and the
perfection and fulfilment
of their unique contribution
to the Father’s Kingdom
of eternal life and light
and love offered to all
who in faith and trust and
self-giving offer themselves
to Him in the grace and
power of Our indwelling.
Be challenged, inspired
and empowered by My Father’s
priceless Gift to the beloved
sons and daughters of His
love and pray for the purity
of heart and mind and obedience
to the Father’s will
and loving purpose of My
beloved Mother which made
all things possible for
the sons of men through
the Father’s Incarnate
Word who also is His Love