May 7th
14:5-15. John 1-26
As you live in Me and I
in you so will you increasingly
know the Father’s
will and loving purpose
for you and for all your
brothers and your sisters
near and far. And you will
be enabled and empowered
to fulfil it through My
indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy
Remember and constantly
recall the one commandment
I gave My Disciples in My
incarnate days and constantly
give to all who call upon
the Name of the living God
to save, progress and bring
them to the fulness of eternity;
it is that they love one
another. This is the Father’s
will and loving purpose
for you and for all your
brothers and your sisters
near and far.
The Father and I are one
yet distinct in identity
and operation and we make
Our home in all faithful
and obedient in Our love.
Our Holy Spirit comes to
all continuing committed
and faithful in the Father’s
will and loving purpose,
giving understanding and
power to follow in the way
through Our Presence in
their heart and mind .
Then love one another in
the grace and power of Our